Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Kids and Technology

More research into the effects of technology on a young child's development. 

  • On average, children under the age of 6 spend 2 hours a day watching tv which is equivalent to the amount of time spend outside. More time than they spend interacting with books.
  • Research has shown that children who spend more time watching television then recommended grow up to develop attention problems and have irregular sleeping patterns. 
  • Research has also suggested that the increased use of technology is linked to obesity.
  • MP3 Players cause concerns for hearing loss when young children use them inappropriately. 
  • Kaiser family foundation, 2006, shows that 61% of children under 2 use electronic media and 42 percent watch everyday. However parents report that television is a useful tool as it allows parents to complete domestic tasks while the child is otherwise occupied. Parents also report that they think that educational tv and videos are necessary. 
  • Vandewater, Bickman and Lee (2006) - the more time children spent watching television the less time was spent interacting with family and the less time spent in interactive and creative play. 
  • Violent media also has an impact on a child's growth and development. The younger the child, the bigger the impact. Children's emotional and social development is tied to the interactions that they have, if they are only interacting with violent media it can have a negative consequence for their development.
Found in: Snider, S & Hirschy, S. (n.d). A Self-Reflection Framework for Technology Use by Classroom Teachers of Young Learners. Retrieved from: http://www.hekupu.ac.nz/Journal%20files/Issue1%20June%202009/A%20Self-Reflection%20Framework%20for%20Technology%20Use%20by%20Classroom%20Teachers%20of%20Young%20Learners.pdf

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