Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Collaboration Agreement

Collaboration Agreement:

1. How do we define collaboration?
Listening to everyone’s ideas, equal contribution

2. Grade expectation?
Strive for the best

3. What learning do we want to get out of the project?
Branching out from our own discipline, experience working with client and understanding how this works

4. What values do we bring to the project?
Respect, kindness, eco-friendly ideas, hard work and empathy

5. How do we recognise and harness different learning styles?
                  Being open, accepting and appreciative of others differences.

6. How collective/independent should we be?
                  Collective, have independent tasks that have been delegated as a team, communicate and expand on ideas

7. How will we set goals and track our progress?
                  Weekly, report back in weekly meetings

8. How much time do we expect to give to the project?
                  Class time, a day outside of class time

9. Do we expect equal contribution?

10. When and how often will the team meet?
                  Once or twice a week, weekly meetings scheduled for 9:00 Monday mornings

11. How often will be communicating outside class times?
                  Weekly meetings, any ideas or inspiration shared on fb.

12. How will decisions be made?

13.  How will be handle disagreements?
                  Respectively talk it through until a resolution has been reached.

14. How will we give/receive critique?
                  Respectively, open-minded, exploring possibilities

15. How will we evaluate contribution of individuals?
                  Input, delegating tasks.

16. How will we engage with other teams?
                  Supergroup is on Facebook (group), in class time.

17. How much money do we expect to give to the project?
                  Not excessive, only what is necessary. Agree when needed.

18. Do we expect equal contributions?

19. How will any expenditure be managed?

                  Fairly, budgeting, splitting the costs between team members

Collaboration Agreement + Client Details

Client details: Ali Whitton - Project Coordinator
email: Ali.Whitton@wcc.govt.nz
phone: 021 227 8608